Monday, July 14, 2008


This time of year, I consume more water than usual. I just bought a huge case of bottled water and it is already gone! There's just something about the heat that drives us to drink water. Nothing else seems to satisfy like a cold glass of water when we are hot and thirsty.

Our body weight consists of 2/3 water. Water is necessary to regulate our body's systems and maintain proper body temperature. Our bodies use water along with food, as fuel to keep it in good running order. Water lubricates our joints and organs, maintains muscle tone, keeps our skin soft, filters out impurities, and keeps our minds alert. It is also responsible for the movement of nutrients to cells throughout our bodies. Without a doubt, water is a necessary part of our diet. The benefits of drinking plenty of water each day are numerous, and yet there are probably very few of us that want to consume 8-10 glasses of water on a daily basis. We're just not that thirsty! However, in the heat of the summer, I would be more likely to consume more of the recommended daily amount of water than usual.

When the "heat is on" spiritually, where do we go? David the Psalmist cried out in Psalm 42: "As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul longs after you. My soul thirsts for you oh God." This was not a happy time in David's life. He was oppressed by the enemy and he felt like God had abandoned him. But as a discipline, he recalled the faithfulness of God and he redirected his thoughts to the truth about God's character. In his desperate state, David knew that the water he longed for was hidden in the truths of God's Word. God's character was known to him through his obedience to spend time in the presence of God. He was spiritually thirsty, but he knew where to quench his thirst.

All of the complications of life can quickly deplete us of our spiritual hydration. Drinking the water of God's Word, and spending time in His presence "lubricates" our tired souls. It "regulates" our thoughts and actions and helps us "maintain" spiritual stability. Let us not forget the benefits of the Living Water that God desires to give us on a daily basis. As we reach for our next bottle of water, may it be a reminder to us to hydrate ourselves spiritually as well.

As the deer panteth for the water
So my soul longeth after You
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship You

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


There are many tribes of people who live on the Amazon River. I recently observed a particular tribe on a television documentary who challenged me to a better understanding of what it means to survive. With survival as their main goal in life, this tribe devised ways to escape their harsh surroundings and natural elements. They had to work together as a team to build their homes and hunt for food. To survive, they needed to focus and gain strength for their journeys ahead.

In the spiritual world, we are no different than this Amazon tribe. We are trying to survive in a jungle of activity overload and choice overload. In 1978, there were 11, 767 items in the average grocery store. By 1992, that number increased to 24,531 with 186 different types of cereal alone! We are trying to survive as Christians among a culture that continually bombards us with ungodly influences and immorality of every kind. How will we survive? This is no reality T.V. show! This is real life!

One of the keys to survival is to gain strength. In Isiah 30:15, the Lord says, "In quietness and trust is your strength." These two words, "quietness" and "trust" are words that are packed with great energy. It is no small task to quiet oneself and to completely trust in the Lord. To quiet yourself means to be rid of anxiety or to "settle your heart." Fortunately, God wants to help us quiet our hearts. Zephaniah 3:17 says that "He will quiet you with His love." There is nothing more precious in all of human existence than that moment when God quickens us to how much He loves us. We can then become more than conquerors (or survivors) through Him who loves us. (Rom. 8:37) God promises that His love is perfect and it casts out fear. (I John 4:18) If we truly understand His love for us, then it will be so much easier for us to trust in Him to take care of our circumstances.

Throughout the different trials in my life, the Lord has asked me two very important questions, "Do you know that I love you?" and "Do you trust me?" I have come to realize that I cannot even answer these questions with a "yes" until I become so weak, that I allow God's love to empower me. This is true strength. This is survival. The beautiful aspect of God's love is that He not only uses our trying circumstances to reveal His love to us, but He uses them to perfect our love for Him.

We are living in enemy territory--in a world that is against us. I am so thankful that God is on our side! He is fighting for us and He will empower us to survive as we learn to rest in His love and trust Him to provide for our every need. Lord, perfect Your love in us so that we may gain strength for the journey ahead. May we see the urgency to rest in Your love as we live as survivors in a jungle that would seek to devour us. You are our Hope, our Fortress and our Deliverer. We depend on You!

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness...
On Christ the Solid Rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand...