Friday, February 20, 2009

Just as God Said

Word of God Speak
Reflections from the Daily Bible Readings
The Word of God for the People of God
The daily Bible readings have been refreshing as I have read passage from the Old and New Testament and the Psalms. Reading Genesis, I am reminded of the passage in Hebrews 12:1 which says "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses..." My faith has been increased as I have read and reviewed the unbelievable faith of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. Then, in Hebrews 11:6 we read that it is impossible to please God without faith. Over and over again, we read that the faith of our forefathers was considered as righteousness before God, and each patriarch received rich blessing and reward as a result of their faith. However, all were tested. Abraham tried to take matters into his own hands many times, instead of letting God work to reveal his plan. Jacob deceived and manipulated his way to get the things he wanted. Though some of these ancient men of faith failed the "pop quizzes" of life, they ultimately passed the final exams and realized God's promised blessing.

The phrase "just as God said" is a key phrase in both the Old and New Testament. Adam and Eve experienced their punishment for eating the forbidden fruit--just as God said they would. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob received the Promised Land just as God said they would. In fact, God was faithful to confirm His covenant with them to strengthen their faith. The wise men found the baby Jesus under the star in the East, just as God said they would. Jesus came forth from the land of Judah, just as God said He would. How wonderful it is to read God's covenant to Abraham, Jacob and Isaac; to read the Psalms of the one who would live in Bethlehem, the "City of David"--the fulfillment of every prophecy concerning God's redemption. Jesus Christ--the exact representation of God's glory, the Great High Priest, the One with whom God was well pleased, was revealed to us at just the right time in history. It is evident that God wanted to make the unchanging nature of His purposes very clear. We have this "hope"--the anchor for our souls, firm and secure.

My prayer is that we will all treasure the priceless gift of God's Word. Psalm 19 tells us that God's Word is more precious than gold, sweeter than honey from the comb. keeping them there is great reward. The Word of God is the voice of G0d--the voice which uttered the creation of the heavens and starry hosts. The Word of God is the GREAT I AM--the beginning and the end, and the Word of God is the Good Shepherd who whispers comfort and encouragement to those who are cast down in spirit. Every day, God is "watching over His Word to perform it." (Jer. 1:12) Let us also watch to see how He performs His Word each day.

Word of God speak, would you pour down like rain, Washing my eyes to see Your Majesty... To be still and know that You're in this place Please let me stay and rest in Your holiness Word of God Speak...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Second-Hand Violin

I've always been impressed with the Apostle Paul who said he had learned to be content in all things. He endured shipwrecks, prison and persecutions, yet none of those things seemed to affect the inner peace and joy that remained in his heart.

There was once a great violinist named Paganini who entered the stage to play before an audience, when he noticed something was wrong with his violin. As he looked at it, he realized that it was not his famous, valuable violin. In a state of panic, he turned to his audience and told them there had been some mistake and he did not have his own violin. He stepped back behind the curtain thinking that his violin was where he left it, but he discovered that someone had stolen it and left an old, second-hand violin in its place. He remained back stage for a moment and then went out to face his audience. He said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I will show you that the music is not in the instrument, but in the soul." He played as he had never played before; and out of that second-hand instrument the music poured forth until the audience was captured with enthusiasm and the applause almost lifted the ceiling of the building. Paganini was able to effectively demonstrate that the music was not in the instrument, but in the soul.

The life of Paul and the story of Paganini both encourage me to be intentional about growing my faith "from within", developing the ability to say "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." (Phil. 4:13) Paul learned to trust in the faithfulness of God because God was faithful to Him. His contentment discourse goes like this: "for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether being in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength." (Phil. 4:11-13) It is as if Paul wrote the favorite hymn that we sing:

Great is Thy Faithfulness
Oh God My Father
Morning by morning new mercies I see
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy Faithfulness
Lord unto me

If life hands us a "second-hand violin", it is a good opportunity for us to see whether or not the "music is within our souls." May we become like Paul and learn contentment in all circumstances as we trust in the faithfulness of God.