The events of the past few weeks have had my mind swimming in a sea of unanswered questions, especially the question, “why?” The truth of the matter is, we may not have all of the answers this side of heaven. Nothing makes sense and emotions are raw, ranging from sorrow to anger, to disillusionment. However, one truth remains constant: our God reigns and His Word is sure. It’s hard to know how to continue after such events have occurred, but this is a time when our faith must carry us and we lean heavily upon the truths and promises that God has given to us in His Word. A friend shared in our Bible study this week about a very dark season in her life. During that time, she said the only words she could hear from God were “Be still and know that I am God.” There were no answers to her questions, and things became worse before they ever got better, but as she reflected upon the truths that she knew about God, they became her anchor during the tossing and turning of the raging sea around her.
Her story was an inspiration to me and a reminder of how the knowledge of character of God must be burned into our hearts and minds during times of tragedy and uncertainty. So what does it mean to be still and know that He is God? I think it takes a lifetime to answer that question; a lifetime of seeking His face and learning from Him during all of the seasons of our lives. For this particular season, I am focusing on the truth that God is good. What is meant for evil, God will turn it around and be glorified through His goodness and grace. It also gives me great hope to know that He is victorious. By His blood and the word of our testimony, we will overcome and be joined with Him in the eternal, ultimate victory over sin and death. Nothing can separate us from His love and he is close to the broken-hearted.
Singing and playing for Clint Dobson’s funeral was one of the most difficult things I have ever done, but I knew that God had ordained me to be in that particular place for such a time as this. As difficult as it was for me to get through the funeral, I was so honored to be a part of celebrating the life that he lived. In my weakness, God empowered me and gave me the strength to continue. I am so thankful that He poured His grace out upon me during that time, as well as to everyone else involved. I was amazed to see how so many people played important roles in taking care of necessary tasks related to this tragedy. It encouraged me to see the support and love of our church as they embraced the people of NorthPointe in their time of need.
So where do we go from here? Our emotions are frazzled by the events at NorthPointe and the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. God spoke to my heart this morning in 1 Cor. 15. This chapter is rich with encouragement and we are reminded by Paul to focus on the ultimate victory that is ours through Christ Jesus. Because of that truth, he further admonishes us to let nothing move us and to give ourselves fully to the work of the Lord because our labor is not in vain. I have to believe that when God gives an instruction through His Word, that He will empower us to follow through with action. As our pastor said this past Sunday we are to keep believing, and keep moving forward. We have been chosen, redeemed and equipped for such a time as this. May we all join together to minister to each other in this time of need and uncertainty.
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